Business and finance
Business Ownership Test or Plenary 10 questions
An electronic or hand-out test paper.
Perfect for a plenary
10 Ownership Questions KS4
Blooms taxonomy cards
Get cue cards to laminate and have on each table to help understand terms to extend learning.
Ethics & Pressure group Lesson- Business Studies GCSE/AS
Covers Kohlberg's Moral development (Hienz dilemma)
Introduction to Ethics and Ethical terms (CSR)
What is a trade off?
BP Oil spill Example
Pressure groups
Multiple choice questions throughout and plenary quiz
Business studies- obtaining finance
Learning objectives
Cost; Risk & Availability
Short and long term finance
Selling shares
TASK: how should I obtain finance? 3 scenarios to assess
Plenary questions
Business Studies: Motivational Theory (employee incentives; Maslow)
Starter- case study of 'Footlocker', how to improve motivation?
Learning Outcomes
Benefits of motivated workforce
How to create motivated workforce- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Task- Exam marker question. Swap. Peer Asses (www/ebi)
Plenary Quiz
Hierarchy Template sheet to fill out during lesson.
Business Studies- Objectives (SMART)
Starter- Write a mission/vision statement (follow on lesson from my vision/mission lesson)
Learning Outcomes
Difference: vision; mission; aims/goals; objectives
What is an objective- SMART defined
Activity- scenario: write SMART objective to reach mission/vision
What is a corporate objective?
Introduce functional objectives
Activity 2- pick a mission statement (3 on slide): Create SMART objective and one functional objective.
4 plenary questions for Exit card- also lesson review www/ebi
Promotion Lesson- Below-the-line (Follow on from Above-the-line)
Follow on session from my Promotion Lesson- Design mix and Above-the-line:
Asses prior knowledge (Above-the-line)
Below-the-line intro:
Sales production
Public Relations
Merchandising & Packaging
Direct Mailing
Direct Selling
Trade fair
Activity- Poster Activity
Share work prompt
Plenary questions
Business Ownership- Not for profit organisation
Lesson Objectives
Starter- Short video on NPO and questions prepared
Definition (notes)
Key information
Finding Funding
What's the message task- billboard
Activity- create NPO: key points to cover and extension
Activity 2- create a billboard advertisement for your NPO
Plenary- present to class- Peer review (what went well; even better if)
BTEC level 3 Unit 13 recruitment & selection
Intro to Unit 13
P1- breakdown of Assignment
Recruitment sources- internal/external
internal/external advertising
Homework- research
Business Studies- Pricing Strategies
Starter activity
Learning Outcomes
Introduction to pricing strategies- links objectives
Cost plus pricing;
Price skimming;
Penetration pricing;
All with short activities.
Activity questions (4 & 8 marker)
Predatory pricing;
Psychological pricing;
Competitive Pricing;
Plenary questions
Extension slide- Social trends pricing
Globalisation (Business studies; Geography or PSHE) Year 7-9
Logo quiz starter
Previous international communication
New technology communication
Create definition
Find examples
Create a cultural diverse Bio- How globalised are you?
Business studies- Distribution
Starter- social trends in distribution
Learning objectives
Activity- Group presentation on case study (differentiated task) six case studies
task- identify distribution methods; advantages/disadvantages; suggest alternative and justify; benefits of adaptation or change; reflect social trends?
Create three minute presentation
Grid included for each group to make based on answering questions add scores- treat winners
Business Studies- Vision and Mission Statements
starter- own dreams and aspirations (growth mindset)
Learning outcomes
What is a mission statement- short activity, links starter and own school mission
What is a vision statement- short activity, links starter and own school vision
Mission or vision? quiz
Why are statements important - research importance
Task: Re-write your starter and ensure you have a vision and mission
Extension- Look up school vision/mission
Share answers- think about next steps to achieve goals.
Business Ownership- Franchise
Logo starter- what do they have in common?
Learning Outcomes
What is a Franchisee?
Activity- Franchise research; Extension- research another and compare
Share answers as a class- compare differences
Plenary questions
Promotion Lesson- Design Mix & Below-the-line
starter activity question- links to task
Objectives written
Introduce design mix
Fit in the Mix- activity
Design mix activity- adapt a current product
Effective use of mix- notes
Land Rover Example- CSR link
Adapt from previous activity
Introduction to Promotion
Types of Promotion- Above- the - line
Create promotion for design mix product
Plenary questions
Business Studies- Introduction to Business Ethics
Starter- oil spill images match news story (BP)
Short video BP consequences
Unit Objectives
Activity- Should ethics exceed legal expectations, article link.
Notes & Key terms
Kohlberg moral development video link- template to fill (attached activity sheet) and /Heinz dilemma to discuss
Lesson 2:
Activity sheet- match company to unethical behaviour (sheet attached)
Assignment task- Report: pick company and discuss ethical issues and how company conducts itself (could have students present).
Business Marketing Theory presentation
A large presentation created to cover lots of areas of marketing to teach business terminology and theory, all with examples.
Slides include:
Marketing Mix
How to write a marketing mix
Pricing strategies:
cost plus; penetration; skimming; predatory; competitive; psychological; social trends- dynamic, auction, personalised, subscription, price comparison
Market Mapping
Porters generic competitive strategy
Promotions: above & below the line
What creates a brand
Importance of branding
Types of branding: manufacturer, generic, own label.
Benefits of strong branding: added value, elastcity, priemium pricing
Ways to build a brand: USP, advertising, sponsorship, social media
Business Aims/Objectives GCSE AQA
starter task
research task- company vision/missions
own goals and steps to complete
research feedback
aims basis reasons
ethical washing powder add plenary to discuss based on learning- whats the message?
Objectives & Stakeholder influence Business GCSE (Lesson 5)
brainstorm of non-profits
decision making and stakeholders- spider diagram
match up stakeholder to influence
stakeholder influence definitions
homework exam questions, different markers
GCSE Business AQA Franchise (Lesson 3)
starter, plenary, activities and homework
research project
exam questions for lessons 1-3 (all sold separately for AQA Business GCSE), plenary and homework.